Steel Target Paint Updates for 2020
Posted by John B. Holbrook, II on January 15, 2020
It’s a new year which means that it’s time for Match Directors and Range Maintainers everywhere to begin preparing for the upcoming Spring shooting season! So it’s time to start thinking about ordering some Steel Target Paint. Depending on how your club matches are funded, Match Directors can have some unique challenges when trying to plan and order for the year. In some cases, clubs allocate funds for matches up front for their projected supply needs. But ordering and storing a years worth of paint can be problematic even if funding isn’t a problem. Other matches don’t have that luxury of club funding and have to finance their supply ordering through match receipts every month. Even in cases where there’s plenty of up-front funding and storage, just projecting the actual need for the upcoming year can be a huge challenge. Fortunately, Rangestore.net has a solution! Steel Target Paint Auto-Reorder Program is the perfect solution for most clubs. Project your monthly need and set your automatic re-order on the website or you can phone in your automatic re-order as well. No need to come up with the cash to pay for your needs all year. Instead, enjoy the time-saving convenience of an automatic order showing up each and every month. As your match grows and you start using more paint, simply go to Rangestore.net and tweak the amount in the automatic re-order.
Steel Target Paint also has some COLORFUL news for 2020 in the form of an updated shade of Bright Blue, which will be coming out in February 2020. The added color is part of continuous improvement here at Rangestore.net and comes as result of customer feedback. In addition, the color Bright Yellow will be reintroduced in the 2nd quarter of 2020 – back by popular demand! Many public and private ranges are quite innovative in how they use the various color offerings from Steel Target Paint. For instance, different paint colors are used to differentiate between softer steels for rimfire and heavier steel AR550 targets. Other ranges paint cardboard targets to designate different uses or distances. And then some ranges use Target Stencils in conjunction with different colors of Steel Target Paint to make targets fun and exciting – particularly for the kids. A personal favorite of mine is Target Tan Steel Target Paint – I can paint up USPSA or IPSC style targets on large steel plates and save a ton of time over stapling up cardboard targets and having to re-paste after every string. Unlock your creativity with the many colors of Steel Target Paint! Not sure where to start? Order our special Range Box Sampler – It’s like a crayon box of Steel Target Paint colors! Remember that for individual consumers, Steel Target Paint still makes their Range Kit which contains everything you’ll need for a season of practice or family fun. Order yours today!